Enter an Easter Egg Hop Contest for a Chance to win a $150 Amazon Gift Card!


Easter is right around the corner, and I’m participating in an Easter Egg Hunt. To enter all you have to do is find the picture of each author’s egg, then match them up with the author’s name. Need to print out the form? Click HERE.  Once you’re done send the list to Heather@HeatherMcCollum.com. While you’re here please sign up for my newsletter to learn what other contests and giveaways I’m participating in.  Also, if you scroll down you will see that I’m part of a huge book giveaway and there are only a few more days to enter. Want to find my egg, then scroll down to my next post. It’s my favorite color. Good luck to everyone who participates!!!

  1. Alanna Lucas https://alannalucas.com/
  2. Anna St. Claire https://www.annastclaire.com/contest
  3. Callie Hutton https://www.calliehutton.com
  4. Caroline Warfield https://www.carolinewarfield.com/bookshelf/
  5. Celeste Barclay https://www.facebook.com/celestembarclay
  6. Collette Cameron http://facebook.com/collettecameronauthor
  7. Deb Marlowe https://www.debmarlowe.com/nothing-but-a-rakehell.html
  8. E. Elizabeth Watson https://eelizabethwatson.com/happy-easter/
  9. Elizabeth Rose https://elizabethrosenovels.com/
  10. Emily Royal https://www.facebook.com/eroyalauthor
  11. Gina Conkle https://ginaconkle.com/
  12. Heather McCollum https://www.heathermccollum.com/
  13. Jane Charles https://www.janecharlesauthor.com/happy-easter
  14. Jessica A Clements https://www.facebook.com/JessicaAClementsNavarro
  15. Jude Knight https://www.facebook.com/JudeKnightAuthor
  16. Katherine Bone https://www.katherinebone.com
  17. Katherine Grant https://mailchi.mp/katherinegrantromance/easteregghop
  18. Kathleen Bittner Roth https://www.facebook.com/Kathleen.bittnerroth.author
  19. Lisa Rayne https://www.lisarayne.com or https://www.facebook.com/authorlisarayne
  20. Lori Ann Bailey https://loriannbailey.com/
  21. Madeline Martin https://www.facebook.com/MadelineMartinAuthor
  22. Melanie Rose Clarke https://www.facebook.com/groups/1159564541120841
  23. Michelle McLean https://michellemcleanbooks.com/
  24. Nadine Millard https://facebook.com/nadinemillardauthor
  25. Renee Ann Miller https://reneeannmiller.com/category/blog/
  26. Sandra Sookoo https://www.facebook.com/sandrasookooauthor/
  27. Tara Kingston https://www.facebook.com/TaraKingstonAuthor
  28. Terri Brisbin https://www.terribrisbin.com
  29. Tina Gabrielle https://www.facebook.com/TinaGabrielle
  30. Tracy Sumner https://www.tracy-sumner.com/