Never Dare a Wicked Earl Excerpt

Renee Ann Miller

So thrilled that not one but the two first chapters from my debut, Never Dare a Wicked Earl, are on RT Book Reviews VIP Salon.

Also, pleased to announce that they gave Never Dare a Wicked Earl a 4 Star review.

Miller debuts with a highly enjoyable start to her Infamous Lords series that beautifully combines humor and poignancy within a battle of wills and wiles. The dialogue moves the well-crafted plot along as the three-dimensional characters steal readers’ hearts. From a bad boy hero, to a feisty heroine, an adorable child and a loveable St. Bernard, this lively tale will tug at your heartstrings. Miller’s talents shines and will keep readers completely engaged.

Never Dare a Wicked Earl with be available January 30, 2018.

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